“I love conferences but I just don’t have the time or resources to go often”, she said.
“I completely get it, especially now that I am traveling and speaking at some of those conferences. I still love them but with the little personal time I have, they are not my first choice”, I replied.
“As I think about it”, I quipped, “though I love conferences, where I would rather be when I attend them is in the GREEN ROOM with the other speakers who are doing what I do so I can talk life and shop and Jesus with people who live a life like mine.”
“YES!” all four of us shouted in unison.
And so it began…
Green Room Intensives are 4-day retreat style gatherings for women leaders facilitated by Dr. Kim Maas. Everything is done in community with other passionate, visionary, fearless committed leaders.
Each Green Room Intensive provides:
•Safety and Sanctuary
•Spirit Inspired/Led Sessions
•Round-Table and Guided Discussion
•Leadership Enhancement
•Relational Connection
•Prophetic/Personal Ministry
Green Room Intensive attendance requires application process and approval, registration, and registration fees paid in full according to provided deadline dates.