We all come with something, and we all leave with something!
We envision an Exchange of life and leadership! Women making a difference are invited to share how they came to be doing what they are doing and how they create and sustain their life and leadership. More than a pitch, more than marketing, and more than a testimony; it is a time of Exchange-ing wisdom, courage, idea’s, best practices, and above all–hearts.
A WOOT Leadership Exchange Luncheon and Workshop is a place where women in leadership get to interact not only with each other, but the invited speakers in a more intimate setting.
Dates: TBA

The annual Women of Our Time conference dedicated to Women of Our Time who are powerful, passionate, and love courageously. It’s a conference about empowering women to fulfill the purposes for which they were created…without apology.
Because its time.
The conference is actually a call:
- to put on our big girl panties.
- be exactly who we are and do exactly what we are called to do
- to open Our Eyes to the BIG PICTURE of what God is doing on the earth…with women!
- to open our hearts, open our mouths, open our hands to love, speak up and join together in advancing the kingdom of God.
- to be powerful, passionate, and love courageously!
Every conference will include WOOTLA (Women of Our Time Leadership Alliance) and Leadership Exchange Luncheons.
Dates: TBA

A retreat style small group gathering for women who serve in leadership capacity. Learn More HERE